Is Your Company's Network Protected?

Is Your Company's Network Protected?

Over time the number of hackers, viruses and malware has skyrocketed. A cyber-attack occurs every 39 seconds; in 2022 damages from cyber-attacks totaled $6 trillion. Cyber-attacks can happen to anyone including large corporations, non-profit organizations, and small businesses. These attacks can be prevented with the help of antivirus, anti – malware, and EDR (endpoint detection and response) solutions.

Before we get into how these solutions can help, let's first understand the cause of these issues:


Malware can be considered an “umbrella term” since it involves a variety of malicious software, including spyware, adware, ransomware, worms, and viruses. This means viruses are always considered malware but not all malware is considered a virus. 


A computer virus is a piece of code that creates copies of itself within your network. The virus's goal by doing this is to cause as much damage inside the network as possible. A virus is designed to spread to other computers and programs on your network and can wreak havoc on your system and data. This can become costly for any business with a shared network. 


With these causes of a cyberattack identified and defined, let's discuss the solutions to protect and prevent an attack.


Anti-malware was created to protect against a broad spectrum of threats. An anti-malware software is meant to work in tandem with antivirus software to cover a larger number of threats for the user. Modern anti-malware helps by monitoring the data that is transferred between networks; opposed to antivirus software that helps with scanning email attachments and notifying you of possible harmful websites. 


Antivirus software can be used to protect your computer and network from viruses. It  can help prevent, search, uncover and delete viruses from a computer. After installation, the software will perform automatically in the background of your activities. 


EDR, or endpoint detection and response, is an integrated endpoint security solution that can detect and respond to cyber-attacks in real time. EDR uses a variety of data analytic techniques to uncover system behavior that is out of the ordinary. It also will block malicious activity and give suggestions to fix and restore the affected systems. 


Companies are attacked by ransomware every 14 seconds. This could factor into Microsoft’s decision to spend $1 billion in cloud cybersecurity annually. The overarching goal of antivirus, anti-malware and EDR solutions is to proactively remove malicious software. By having multiple security solutions at play it creates layers of security, which make it harder for hackers to attack and damage your network. At Standard Computer Systems we use these solutions to help our customers. If you’re looking to prevent damage to your network or protect sensitive data, contact us today

Follow along, as we discuss important topics here on the blog, including password management, two factor authentication and how to prepare your backup before a disaster! 

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